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Common Types of Wasps in Dubai: Identification and Prevention

Wasps are frequently seen around Dubai as this city gives these pests, as well as other common pests like ants, snakes, rodents and many more found in Dubai, an ideal living condition because of its warm weather and easily accessible food sources. Even though having wasps around can be a plus point as wasps help to maintain the ecosystem by controlling the other pests found around them. But along with this advantage, wasps also have various disadvantages. The large nests of wasps can be a constant threat to the people living around it because of their harmful stings and damage to the property around them.

Identifying Wasps of Dubai

Types of Wasps

It is important for everyone living in Dubai to identify the different types of wasps around them and know about the behaviors of the wasps. This is crucial in order to take the appropriate preventative measures in every different situation and ensure that you are protected from the harmful stings of wasps along your property. The different types of wasps found in Dubai are mentioned below:

  1. Hornets:

Hornets are one of the most commonly seen wasps in Dubai. They are large in size and mostly have yellow and black stripes. They live in distinctive paper nests that are found on rooftops, or hanging from trees. These nests are constructed with chewed wood fibers and hornets’ saliva. Hornets are popular for controlling other pests’ populations by preying on them. But they can also cause harm to humans and other animals if they are found near their nests as they are very protective of their nests.

  1. Mud Daubers:

Mud Daubers have long legs and slender bodies. Unlike hornets, they build and live in mud nests. These nests have a tubular shape and are mostly found on ceilings and walls. These pests are comparatively less aggressive and smaller in size than hornets. So, they usually don’t sting humans and only do so if they are provoked. They are also mostly known to hunt spiders. 

  1. Paper Wasps:

Paper wasps have thin waists and are found in a variety of colors like brown, black, and red and often with yellow markings. The nests of paper wasps are open-comb which resembles upside down umbrellas. These nests are usually found in sheltered spots or eaves in trees. These pests usually avoid human interaction unless someone is found near their nests.

  1. Yellow Jackets:

Yellow Jackets are more aggressive than all the other wasps mentioned above. They are a bit smaller than hornets. They have black and yellow stripes on their body. Unlike other wasps, yellow jackets build their nests in hidden locations like attics, wall cavities or underground burrows. These wasps are comparatively more dangerous than other wasps as they have the ability to sting multiple times and get more aggressive quickly.

Prevention of Wasp Infestations

Types of Wasps

The next step after identifying the wasps around you is knowing about the ways to prevent wasp infestations. Some of the ways through which we can minimize wasp infestation around us are mentioned below:

  1. Sealing your Outside Garbage Bins and Maintaining your Garden:

The first step in preventing wasps is taking care of the outside section of your home or office buildings. To make sure that the wasps do not get attracted to the leftover food sources found in the outside garbage bins, every bin must be sealed tightly and the surrounding also must be kept clean. Along with this, your garden areas must also be maintained and cleaned regularly. The overgrown bushes and shrubs must be trimmed from time to time.

  1. Inspecting your Property for Cracks and Openings:

After the outsides of your property, the possible entryways to the inside of your buildings must be inspected and taken care of on time. The cracks and openings which go unnoticed might lead to the entry of these dangerous wasps inside your home and office buildings. Therefore, regular inspections must be conducted in every corner in order to ensure that there are no cracks around. If there are any, they must be sealed immediately.

  1. Properly Placing your Food:

The main attraction for the pests like wasps is the food sources around your house. Wasps usually enter your home and office buildings in search of food sources. So, in order to prevent this from happening, the food in your kitchen or outdoor areas must be sealed properly and any spills or bits must be cleaned immediately. 

Types of Wasps
  1. Professional Pest Control Services:

If you don’t have time or any idea about pests and how to get rid of them, you can take help from professional pest control companies in Dubai. But if an increase is seen in the pest infestation even after your continuous efforts to minimize it, immediate help must be taken without any delay. There are many well-equipped and experienced pest control companies available in Dubai.


Even though wasps are considered an integral part of Dubai’s ecosystem, they also affect the residents of Dubai negatively. So in order to protect yourself and everyone around you from the negative impacts of wasps, you must learn how to identify and get rid of the different types of wasps found in your city. Everyone who is already aware of it must also make other people aware about how wasps can impact their lives negatively. If any confusions occur regarding wasps infestation or any other pest infestations, you can Contact Us immediately and get more knowledge on these topics along with discussing any ongoing pest infestation around you.

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    Star Al Madina Pest Control Al Mazoon Building, Office no # 212,
    Damascuss Street, Al Qusais